When some people think of dental emergencies, the thoughts that might come to their mind might be in the area of chipping a tooth, a loose crown or having to repair misaligned dentures. Although these issues are annoying and can cause embarrassment, if no pain is present, they can be fixed during regular dental hours.
Some of the conditions that can constitute a dental emergency room visit include -
- Having your tooth or teeth knocked out through trauma, such as being hit in the mouth with an object or having an accident…These actions can result in avulsion in the mouth, in which the teeth and gum become separated abruptly.
- If a person has a cavity and does not give it proper attention by going to the dentist, left unchecked it can develop into an abscess. An abscess harbors pathogens, these bacteria can progress into a severe infection. In some cases, it can become life-threatening.
- Those who have a fractured or cracked tooth accompanied by facial pain and swelling would qualify to see a dentist after hours.
- People with ill-fitting braces that are making them wince in pain or making their gums bleed - should definitely see a dental practitioner.
These are just a few examples of problems that need immediate attention. Anything that creates aches and misery in regard to oral health would be considered a dental emergency.
If you are having pain, swelling, redness and overall discomfort, it strongly suggested visiting a dentist. They will be able to treat you quickly as well as offer you medication to relieve the symptoms. If the condition affecting the patient is complex, the dental specialist will do follow-up procedures or recommend other health care professionals who might have more experience for your specific malady.
If you need an emergency dental center or an orthodontist, contact the team at Pesis Dental Group today.